Why do I need to have a home watch service?
My neighbor, friend, or pool guy watches my home while I’m away.
Family and neighbors are often very busy with their lives and may forget or may not know what to check for when walking through the house. They may not be as thorough as a professional home watch business.
The pool guy specializes in cleaning and maintenance of pools only. The pool guy may not be properly licensed, bonded and insured to conduct house watch checks on your home. Using the pool guy to check your home instead of a professional home watch business is like saying a dentist is performing an open heart surgery instead of a heart surgeon.

Why should I use Allshouse Home Watch Services?
1Trustworthy and Reliable...
Jennifer is trustworthy, reliable and loyal to her clients. Jennifer works hard for her clients and strives to go the extra mile in providing excellent service.
2Highly Recommended...
Jennifer comes highly recommended by local Scottsdale realtor, Gabi Becker.
3Access to Extra Services...
Jennifer offers a variety of extra services in which other home watch businesses do not always offer.
4Thorough and Timely
Jennifer takes time when checking client’s homes and is very thorough when completing the walk thru of the home.
5Licensed, Bonded & Insured
Jennifer’s business is properly licensed, bonded and insured.
What if Allshouse Home Watch Services observes an issue or problem which needs immediate attention?
1Notify the Homeowner Immediately...
Allshouse Home Watch will immediately notify the homeowner. If the situation is an emergency and the homeowner is unreachable, Allshouse Home Watch will contact the appropriate authority or company in order to have the situation or problem contained.
2Does Allshouse Home Watch Services have a referral list of maintenance and contractors?
During the initial homeowner meeting and contract signing, Allshouse Home Watch will ask for the homeowner’s list of maintenance and contractor companies.
If needed, Allshouse Home Watch Services has a list of reliable companies and businesses to provide to the homeowner.
What isn’t a home watch service?
1Not a Property Manager...
A home watch service is not a property manager. A property manager accepts rent payments, finds tenants, and offers other services. Allshouse Home Watch does not accept money from tenants, find tenants, etc.
2Not a Home Inspector
A home watch service is not a home inspector. A home inspector has had extensive training, is insured and may also be required to be licensed in order to inspect the installation of electrical, heating systems, the roof, etc. Allshouse Home Watch does not inspect homes. Allshouse Home Watch surveys, checks and watches the home or property while it is unoccupied or vacant.
3Not a Security Service
A home watch service is not a security service. A security service or company responds to burglar, intrusion, and fire alarms. A home watch service does not respond to these types of situations. A home watch service can be on a list to call to respond as a key holder after the security service and/or police have checked and secured the perimeter of the home.
4Not a House nor Pet Sitting Service
A home watch service is not a house sitting service. A house sitter stays overnight in the home. Allshouse Home Watch Services does not stay in the home overnight.
A home watch service does not pet sit. Although Allshouse Home Watch loves all animals, especially dogs and cats, it does not have this service available.
5Not a HandyMan
A home watch service is not a handy man, contractor nor pool service. Allshouse Home Watch is not trained or licensed as a contractor or to maintain swimming pools. For example, Allshouse Home Watch will observe the swimming pool water level and skimmer for debris. Any observable issue will be reported to the homeowner.