Allshouse Home Watch Services recommends weekly checks, but also offers bi-weekly checks of your home. The more often your home is checked, the more likely abnormalities or problems will be discovered promptly, saving the home owner repair and maintenance costs, time, and energy.

Allshouse Home Watch
Jennifer treats your home as her own.
She is experienced and professional.
She pays close attention to detail.
She takes pride in her work.
Basic Services Package
Allshouse Home Watch Services observes the inside and outside of your home and reports to the homeowner. If an issue is observed at your home, Allshouse Home Watch Services will contact you by phone, text, and/or email.
Jennifer utilizes a basic checklist when conducting house watch checks but will customize the checklist to fit the homeowner’s needs.
A visual check of the interior and exterior of your home for issues or problems is conducted. The pool and landscaping are also observed to check to see if there are any visible issues.